Woman Says Her Husband Gave Her a ‘Look’ When She Made Their Kids Hotdogs to Eat: ‘Wow, Nice Gourmet Dinner’

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A woman says she is irritated that her husband made a joke about her cooking when she served up hotdogs for a recent family dinner.

“I am not a good cook and I don’t like cooking. I work part time (gave up full time work when we had kids) and my husband works full time as a firefighter (24 hours on, 48 hours off). Our boys are 4 and 6 years old,” the wife and mother of two on Reddit’s “Am I The A——?” forum, setting the scene.

Then explaining that she and her spouse “share dinner duties,” the woman admitted, “Honestly, he is a way better cook than me, but we are also always trying to find things our boys will eat.”

“Tonight, I made hot dogs and got a ‘look’ from my husband. He made a joke, like, ‘Wow, nice gourmet dinner,'” the woman continued.

Despite her husband’s sarcastic reply, the woman detailed that her two kids “were ecstatic” about the dinner that was prepared for them.

“I realize hot dogs are not exactly a nice dinner, but we all sat down together and were happy, and the boys ate all their food,” she added, before noting that she was “still irritated by the look and the sarcasm” on her husband’s part.

In the comments section of the post, many went against the woman, arguing that her husband’s dismay was warranted.

“Anyone who works in EMS understands. 24-48 hour shifts and you are lucky if you get a good cooked meal in that time frame. … Hotdogs are basically gas station food. So I understand the annoyance,” one person said.

Another wrote, “You should really learn to cook meals. I get it isn’t the most enjoyable for everyone, but it’s an important skill for anyone, let alone someone raising children.”

“Your husband’s work schedule means there are definitely days he cannot do cooking, and you should be trying to give the kids healthy food so their tastes and habits are good as they grow into adults. That’s not to say hot dogs or frozen pizzas are off the table permanently, but most meals should be balanced and healthy,” they added.

The woman took note of the criticism and responded, “I have definitely been trying — I’ve done variations on chicken, pasta and meatballs, tacos, salmon, chili … and really the boys eat most of it. This was the first time I did hot dogs since it was cheap and easy!”

She told another commenter that throughout her seven-year marriage with her husband, it was her “very first time making hot dogs,” before she then joked: “Probably my last lol.”

There were some others, though, that had the woman’s back in the comments section.

“If he says something like that again, just smile real big and say ‘Just call me Gordon Ramsay’ and enjoy your hot dog,” one person wrote, referring to the woman’s husband.

Read the full article here

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